137: | my heart ; Orphan's Prayer ; Smile and a tear ; |
138: | Tom HaUiard ; William and Mary. Also, Tom Hlliard ; William and Mary. Also, |
139: | Little Boy blue, glee ; All nature mourns, |
140: | duet [1805]; And must we part? duet [1810] . |
141: | |
142: | Her sisters, Eliza and Theodosia (1766 — |
143: | 1884, afterwards ]\Irs. Garrow) were also 1884, afterwards Mrs. Garrow) were also |
144: | vocalists of some reputation, the latter pos- |
145: | sessing a fine mezzo-soprano voice. |
146: | |
147: | Abyngdon, Henry (also Habyngton and |
148: | Abyngton), composer, of the 15th century. |
149: | He was succentor of Wells Cathedral in 1447- |
150: | 97; Mus. Bac, Cambridge, 1463; Master of |
151: | song in the Chajiel Royal, London, 14G5 ; song in the Chapel Royal, London, 1465 ; |
152: | Master of St. Catherine's Hospital, Bristol, |
153: | 1478. He was celebrated as an organist and |
154: | singer. Died September 1, 1497. |
155: | |
156: | Ackroyd, Thomas, musician, compiler |
157: | of " An original set of 51 Psalm and llymu of " An original set of 51 Psalm and Hymn |
158: | tunes, for four voices, with organ or piano- |
159: | forte accompaniment." Halifax, 1848. |
160: | |
161: | Acland, Arthur H. D 2-L-21 Acland, Arthur H. D., See Troyte, |
162: | Arthur H. D. |
163: | |
164: | Acland, T. Q., author of " Chanting sim- Acland, T. G., author of " Chanting sim- |
165: | plified." London, 1843. |
166: | |
167: | Acton, John, composer and teacher of |
168: | singing, born 18G3. Studied music privately, singing, born 1863. Studied music privately, |
169: | Manchester ; later, singing under Francesco |
170: | Lamperti, of Milan. F.C.O. 1882; qualified |
171: | for Mus. Bac, Oxford, 1893. Held various |
172: | organ appointments 1882-93 ; now devoted en- |
173: | tirely to teaching singing and directing choral |
174: | societies. Professor of singing at the Man- |
175: | chester R.C.M. since its opening, 1893; con- |
176: | ductor of the St. Cecilia Choral Society, Man- |
177: | chester, 1894. He has composed two cantatas |
178: | for ladies' voices: Forest bells, [1888]; The rose |
179: | and the nightingale [1893]. Was awarded the |
180: | prize offered by the South London Musical |
181: | Club, 1888, for Chorus, men's voices, with pf. |
182: | obbligato. For home and liberty. Other works |
183: | are ducts for ladies' voices: six duets ; Songs |
184: | on the river (six) ; The fairies (six) ; and Songs |
185: | of wood and fairyland (six). He has also |
186: | written pieces for pf. &c. |
187: | |
188: | Adam, Alexander, printer, established in |
189: | Glasgow at the end of last century. He pub- |
190: | lished "The Psalms of David in metre, newly |
191: | translated . . . allowed by the authority of the |
192: | general assembly of the Kirk of Scotland and |
193: | appointed to be sung in congregations and fami- |
194: | lies, with twenty-three select psalm-tunes par- |
195: | ticularly adapted to the subject of the psalms |
196: | to which they are set." Glasgow, 1773. "The |
197: | Musical Repository, a collection of favourite |
198: | Scotch, English, and Irish songs set to music." |
199: | Glasgow, 1799, also Edinburgh, 1802, etc. |
200: | |
201: | Adams, Abraham, organist and com- |
202: | poser, who flourished at the end of the 17th |
203: | and beginning of the 18th centuries. He was |
204: | organist of the parish church of St. Mary-le- |
205: | bone, London, in 1710, and compiled " The |
206: | Psalmist's New Comjianion," London, n.d., of |
207: | which a 6th edition appeared about 1720. |