Abv+/- | Full+/- |
1 | (When followed by colon) Part one; first part; act one etc. |
2 | (When followed by colon) Part two; second part; act two etc. |
2CHOIR | Double choir; two choirs. |
2ORCH | Double orchestra; two orchestras. |
2V | Two voices; two singers. |
3 | (When followed by colon) Part three; third part; act three etc. |
3CHOIR | Three choirs. |
3V | Three voices; three singers. |
4 | (When followed by colon) Part four; fourth part; act four etc. |
4CHOIR | Four choirs. |
4V | Four voices; four singers. |
5V | Five voices; five singers. |
6V | Six voices; six singers. |
AAM | Academy of Ancient Music. |
ANTH | Anthem. (Includes <MOTET>; but not CORONATION_ANTHEM.) |
BN | Bassoon |
BST_HN | Basset horn. |
CAM | Concert of Ancient/Antient Music. |
CH | Chorus [genre]. |
CL | Clarinet. |
CN | [Solo] concerto. |
CNGR | Concerto grosso; grand concerto. (Often editorial for concerto.) |
CNTE | (Sinfonia) Concertante (used here for any non-solo concerto; except CNGR). |
COND | Conductor; conducted by. (May be musical or administrative; see DIR LEAD.) |
CT | Catch. (See also GL.) |
CTD | Continued. |
DB | Double-bass. |
DBDR | Double bass drums. (See also DRS DDR.) |
DBN | Double bassoon. |
DDR | Double drums. (See also DRS DBDR.) |
DIR | Director; directed by. (NB May be musical / administrative; see COND LEAD.) |
DIV | Divertimento. (See also NOTT SER.) |
DRS | Drums. (See also DDR DBDR.) |
DT | Duet; duetto. |
FAV | Favourite. |
FL | Flute. |
FLDA | Flute d'amour. |
FP | Full piece. (See also SYM OV.) |
GL | Glee. (Includes <MADRIGAL> <ROUND> <CANZONETTA> etc. See also CT.) |
GU | Guittar. |
HN | (French) Horn. |
HP | (Welsh/Triple/Pedal) Harp. (From 1790 pedal harp unless given otherwise.) |
HPD | Harpsichord. |
I | Instrumentalists. |
LEAD | Leader; led by; first violin. (Always violinist; see also COND DIR.) |
LSN | Lesson. (See also SN.) |
MADR | Madrigal. |
MAND | Mandolin. |
MGL | Musical/harmonic glasses (includes <ARMONICA> <HARMONICA> without water]. |
MOVT | Movement. |