4782: | Barrow, Thomas, composer and alto |
4783: | singsr of the latter half of the 18th century. |
4784: | He was a choirister and gentleman of the |
4785: | Chapel Royal, and sang in Handel's Oratorios. |
4786: | He died on August 13, 1789. He composed |
4787: | some Church music, chants, etc. |
4788: | |
4789: | Barry, Charles Ainslie 32-R-7 Barry, Charles Ainslie, composer, or- |
4790: | ganist and writer, born in Loudon, June 10, ganist and writer, born in London, June 10, |
4791: | 1830, Educated at Rugby, and Trinity Col- |
4792: | lege, Cambridge. While at Cambridge he |
4793: | studied music with Professor T. A. Wa'misley. |
4794: | Graduated B.A. and M.A. By his father's |
4795: | wish he studied for the ministry, and passed |
4796: | the voluntary Theological Examination at |
4797: | Cambridge ; but music became his ultimate |
4798: | choice. At the Cologne Conservatorium he |
4799: | studied under F. Weber, E. Frank, and F. |
4800: | Hiller ; at Leipzig, with Moscheles and E. F. |
4801: | Richter (1856-7) ; and during his residence |
4802: | at Dresden received valuable hints from Carl |
4803: | Reissiger. Returned to London, 1858, and |
4804: | held an appointment as organist and choir- |
4805: | master at the Forest School, Leytonstone |
4806: | Hill, 1860 ; but a year earlier began to devote |
4807: | his attention chiefly to musical and literary |
4808: | composition. Under the initials " C.A.B." |
4809: | he has contributed many articles to the |
4810: | Guardi in, Monthly Musical Record, Musical |
4811: | World, Athenceum, and The Mcister ; and to World, Athenæum, and The Meister ; and to |
4812: | the Analytical programme books of the Crystal |
4813: | Palace, Philharmonic, Bache, Richter, and |
4814: | Birmingham Festival Concerts, etc. He was |
4815: | secretary to the Liszt ScholarshijD Fund, 1886, secretary to the Liszt Scholarship Fund, 1886, |
4816: | and is widely known as a cultured musician |
4817: | with sympathetic leanings to the advanced |
4818: | modern school of composition. |
4819: | |
4820: | Works. — yrnpliony, for orchestra ; Two |
4821: | Overtures ; INIarcli (Festival March, played |
4822: | at the Crystal Palace Concerts, 1862) ; String |
4823: | Quartet ; Cantatas, sacred and secular, all in |
4824: | MS. Choral Hymns for four voices ; The |
4825: | story of the Resurrection, a cycle of Hymns ; |
4826: | The Christmas story, ditto ; Tunes in Hymns |
4827: | Ancient and ]Modern and the New Mitre Ancient and Modern and the New Mitre |
4828: | Hymnal, etc. Six Songs with English and |
4829: | German words ; Four Songs (C. Kingsley) ; |
4830: | Two Songs (Tennyson) ; Elizabeth's Songs |
4831: | from The' Saint's Tragedy (Kingsley); and |
4832: | many others. 0, holy night, five-part song. |
4833: | Theme with variations, pf . duet ; A Birthday |
4834: | March ; Barcarolle ; Tarantella ; Menuetto |
4835: | grazioso, and other pf. pieces. Transcriptions, |
4836: | Overture, Beatrice and Benedict, Berlioz, |
4837: | pf. duet ; Andante, from Tschaikowsky's |
4838: | Quartet in D, pf. solo ; Pf. score of Te |
4839: | Deum, Berlioz. Editor of The Child's Book |
4840: | of Praise (Masters), etc. |
4841: | |
4842: | Barry, William Vipond 32-R-58 Barry, William Vipond, pianist, com- |
4843: | poser, and writer, born at Bandon, March, |
4844: | 1827. Appeared in Belfast as pianist, 1846, |
4845: | and founded the Belfast Classical Harmonist |
4846: | Society. He resided for a time in the Pot- |
4847: | teries, England. He studied under Liszt, |