Calendar of London Concerts 1750-1800


Date+/-Day+/-Place+/-Title+/-Type+/-Time+/-Price+/-Programme+/-Advert+/-Review+/-Notes+/-Id+/-Links+/-Place Id+/- Id+/-
1798_05_14Mon 14 May 1798KTROPERA 98 10THCSTI; TB 12 May[No programme found.] Opera Concert.3889KTR3889
1797_04_24Mon 24 Apr 1797KTROPERA 97 8THCSTB[No programme found.] Opera Concert.3841KTR3841
1798_06_11Mon 11 June 1798KTROPERA 98 12THCSTB; TI[No programme found.] Opera Concert.3898KTR3898
1795_02_27Fri 27 Feb 1795CGCG ORATORIO 95 [2ND]OS1830B 6s; P 3s 6d; FG 2s; SG 1sHANDEL o ^ALEXANDER'S_FEAST^. PART3: [selection from handel; items listed]. DIR ASHLEY-j; LEAD ASHLEY-Gc <G_ASHLEY>; ORG ASHLEY-Jj <J_ASHLEY>; V PARKE~ ELLIOT POOLE~ KELLY-m NIELD BURDON GRAY-2 LINTON-w BARTLEMAN. [selection replaced: HANDEL ANTH; handel CH 'HALLELUJAH' from handel o ^MESSIAH^.]OR; OR 23 Feb; OR 26 Feb[No performance on 25 Feb.] [LS (with full details).] [Anthem postponed until after royal marriage.]3708CG3708
1788_05_16 ?Fri 16 May 1788 ?PIELTAIN-dp AND PIELTAIN~ 88CB[PIELTAIN-dp PIELTAIN~.]MP 9 Feb[No further mention.]316403164