The British Musical Biography


Abbott, Thomas Moreton

[E] Abbott, Thomas Moreton, violinist,
born at Bilston, Staffordshire, August 13,
1843. Studied under Henry Hayward, of
Wolverhampton. Resident for some years at
Walsall ; he ultimately settled in Birming-
ham. His repertory is large, and he is in
wide demand as a soloist. As orchestral
principal violin he has been associated with
Mr. Stockley's orchestral concerts since 1873,
first as colleague with Henry Hayward, and
then with F. Ward ; also, at the concerts of
the Birmingham Festival Choral Society, and
societies at Oxford, Wolverhampton, and
other festivals. He is an accomplished vio-
loncellist and pianist, but in these capacities
restricts himself to teaching.

entry id: 1-L-12

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