- Corfe, Joseph
[E] Corfe, Joseph, organist, writer, and com-
poser, born at Salisbury in 1740. Chorister
at Salisbury Cathedral. Gentleman of Chapel
Royal, 1783. Organist and choir-master at[+] Salisbury Cathedral, 1792-1804. He died at
Salisbury, September, 1820.[W] Works. — A Treati.se on Singing, explaining
in the most simple manner all the Rules for
learning to Sing by Note without the assist-
ance of an Instrument, with some Observa-
tions on Vocal Music, London, fob, 1791,
another ed., 1801 ; Thorough-bass Simplified,
London, n.d. Beauties of Handel, being 154
songs, duetts, and trios witli accompaniment
for pf., .3 vols., n.d. Beauties of Purcell,
2 vols., n.d. ; First Set of 12 Glees, n.d. ;
Second Set of 12 Glees; Third Set of 12 Glees,
in score for 3 and 4 voices, from melodies of
Sacchini, Paisiello, Haydn, Pleyel, Storace,
etc. Sacred Music, consisting of a selection
of the most admired pieces, adapted to some
of the choicest music of Jomelli, Pergolesi,
Perez, Martini, Biretti, etc., 2 vols., Salisbury,
n.d. ; Three Collections of Scottish Songs ;
Anthems ; Nine Vocal Trios, harmonized,
London, n.d.entry id: 101-R-60

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