The British Musical Biography


Dubourg, Matthew

[E] Dubourg, Matthew, violinist and com-
poser, was born at London iu 1703. He
studied under Geminiani. Appeared first at
Britton's concerts, 1715. Composer and
master of state music in Ireland, 1728. Suc-
ceeded Festing as member of King's band,
1752. Leader of band on production of
Handel's " Messiah." He died at London,
July 3. 1767. He composed concertos, solos,
and variations for the violin ; odes, songs, and
other vocal music. He was the leading Eng-
lish violinist of his day, and one of the greatest
among his contemporaries.

entry id: 129-R-12

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Calendar of London Concerts 1750-1800

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