The British Musical Biography


Goss, Sir John, Kt.

[E] Goss, Sir John, Kt., composer and or-
ganist, born at Pareham, Hants., December
27, 1800. Son of JosejDh Goss, organist, of
that place. Chorister in Cha^ael Koyal, under
J. S. Smith, 1811. He studied under Attwood,
and became organist of Stockwell Chapel,
1821 ; organist of St. Luke's, Chelsea, 1824-38 ;
organist, St. Paul's Cathedral, 1838-72. Com-
poser to Chapel Royal, 1856-72. Knighted,
1872. Mus. Doc, Cantab., 1876. He died
at Brixton, London, May 10, 1880.

[W] Works. — Church Service, in A ; Burial
Service, in E minor ; Te Deum for H.M.
Thanksgiving at St. Paul's Cathedral, for the
restoration to health of H.R.H. the Prince of
Wales. Benedictus. Te Deums in C, D,
and F ; Cantate Domino and Deus misereatur,
in C ; Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, in E.
Anthems : Almighty and merciful God ; And
the king said to all tlie people (dirge) ; Behold
I bring you good tidings ; Blessed is the man ;
Brother, thou art gone before us ; Christ, our
Passover ; Come, and let us return unto the
Lord; Fear not, O land; Have mercy upon
me ; Hear, Lord ; I heard a voice from
heaven ; I will magnify Thee, O God ; If -we
believe that Jesus died ; In Christ dwelleth ;
Lift up thine eyes round about ; give thanks ;
O Lord God, Thou strength of my health ;
O praise the Lord ; praise the Lord of
heaven ; Saviour of the world ; O taste and
see ; Praise the I^ord, my soul ; Stand up
and bless the Lord your God ; The glory of
the Lord ; The Lord is my strength ; These
are they which follow the Lamb ; The wilder-
ness. Seven glees, and a madrigal, London,
1852; six glees, and a madrigal, 1826. Par-
ochial Psalmody, a collection of ancient and
modern tunes, London, 4 vols., 1827. Collec-
tion of Voluntaries by eminent composers,
organ. The Organist's Companion, 4 vols.
Collection of Voluntaries, various composers.
The sacred minstrel . . 1833, 3 vols. Church
Psalter and Hymn Book, for the use of con-
gregations and families, by Rev. Wm. Mercer,
M.A., Incumbent of St. George's, Sheffield,
London, 1862. An introduction to Harmony
and Thorough-bass, London, 1833. Mano-
forte Students' Catechism of the Rudiments
of Music, London, 1835. Collection of chants,
ancient and modern, in score . . . 1841. Over-
tures for orchestra, in F, Philharmonic Soc-
iety, 1825; also one in E flat, and miscel-
laneous orchestral music. Songs, etc.

entry id: 168-L-5

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