- Griesbach, John Henry
[E] Griesbach, John Henry, pianist and
composer, was born at Windsor, of German
parents, on June 20, 1798. Violoncellist in
Queen's baud, 1810. He studied under Kalk-
brenner, and afterwards became pianist in
London, and director of Philharmonic Soc-
iety. He died at London, January 9, 1875.[W] Works. — Belshazzar's feast, 1835 ; Daniel
(reproduction), 1853 ; Music to the " Tem-
pest " ; James the First, or the Royal Cap-
tive, operetta ; The Goldsmith of West Cheap,
opera ; Eblis, opera, unfinished ; Raby Ruins,
musical drama ; Overtures for orchestra.
Analysis of JMusical Sounds, with illustrative
figures of the ratios of vibrations of musical
intervals and their compounds, harmonic
vibration, temperament, etc., n.d. Elements
of Musical notation, containing tables of the
comparative value of the different kinds of
Notes, Signatures of the different keys, etc.,
n.d. Pianoforte Students' Companion, con-
taining all the Scales in four positions, etc.,
London [1825] . Anthems, songs, etc.entry id: 173-R-37
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41639 - Griesbach, John Henry
Calendar of London Concerts 1750-1800
GRIESBACH-H - Griesbach, Henry [Justus Heinrich C]