The British Musical Biography


Avison, Charles

[E] Avison, Charles, composer, author, and
organist, born at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1710.
He is supposed to have gone to Italy to study
music, and he certainly had lessons from
Geminiani in London. In July, 1736, he be-
came organist of St. John's Church, New-
castle, and in October of the same year he
was appointed organist of St. Nicholas'
Church, Newcastle. From 1736 he gave sub-
scription concerts in Newcastle, and resided
there as a teacher. He died Newcastle-upon-
Tyne, May 9, 1770.

[W] Works. — Twenty-six concertos for four
violins, Newcastle, 1758. Eight concertos in
seven parts for four violins, one alto-viola,
a violoncello, and a thorough-bass for the
harpsichord, 1755. Twelve concertos in seven
parts for four violins, one alto-violin, violon-
cello, and thorough-bass for the harpsichord,
op. 6. Six concertos in seven parts, op. 10,
London, 1769. Six sonatas for the harpsi-
chord, with accompaniments for two violins
and violoncello, op. 5, London, 1756 ; another
set, op. 7, Newcastle, 1760; third set, op. 8,
London, 1764. Concertos for organ or harp-
sichord, op. 9. Songs, etc. An Essay on
musical expression, London, 1752. This pro-
voked an acrimonious discussion with Dr.
Philip Hayes of Oxford. He replied to Hayes
in the second edition, 1753, of his essay, and
included in it "A letter to the author concern-
ing the music of the ancients," written by
Dr. Jortin. The third edition appeared in
1775, "with alterations and large additions,"
and in the same year a German translation
was published at Leipzig. He assisted Dr.
Garth, of Durham, with his edition of Mar-
cello's Psalms, 1759, after having himself
issued proposals for publishing them. His
best-remembered comi:)osition is " Sound the
loud timbrel," otherwise called " Miriam's
song." In Robert Browning's poem, " Parley-
ings with certain people of importance," a
part is devoted to Avison.

[+] His eldest son, Edward (1747-1776) suc-
ceeded him as organist at St. Nicholas', and
his second son, Charles (1750-1793) was or-
ganist of St. John's.

entry id: 18-R-52

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