The British Musical Biography


Jones, Edward

[E] Jones, Edward, composer and conductor.
Was for some years a first violin in Sir
Michael Costa's opera orchestra ; has been in
America with the Mapleson Opera Company ;
musical director at the Court, Adelphi, and
Duke of York's Theatres, London ; and is at
present musical director at the Lyric Theatre,
London. He is the composer of incidental
music to "Claudian"; " Hoodman Blind,"
produced. Princess's Theatre, 1885; "The
Fav O'Fire," Opera Comique, November,
1885; " Pharoah," Leeds, 1892; "A Near
shave," farce. Court Theatre, 1895 ; " The
Sign of the Cross," Liverpool, 1895, etc.

entry id: 223-R-4

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Concert Programmes Project

16978 - Jones, John Edward [automatic match (maybe)]

Calendar of London Concerts 1750-1800

JONES-E - Jones, Edward [automatic match]