The British Musical Biography


Kirbye, George

[E] Kirbye, George, composer, who flourished
in the latter half of the 16th century. He
was a native of Suffolk. He resided mostly
in Bury St. Edmunds, where he died in 1634,
and is buried in St. Mary's Church. One of
the ten composers wlio harmonized Este's
Psalms, 1592, and he composed the madrigal
for six voices in the "Triumphs of Oriana,"
entitled " Bright Phoebus," and published
" The First Set of English Madrigalls, to 4,
5, and 6 voyces," London, Este, 1597. Of
this a new edition, edited by G. E. P. Ark-
wright, was published in 1891-92.

entry id: 233-L-28

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