- Kiver, Ernest
[E] Kiver, Ernest, pianist and organist, born
in London, September 22, 1864. Studied at
R.A.M., under the late Thomas Wingham;
A.R.A.M., and F.R.C.O. Some time organist
of St. Bride's, London, and later of The
Oratory, Brompton, which position he re-
signed in 1893. Has appeared as solo pianist,
and, since 1886, given high-class concerts at
Princes' Hall and Queen's Hall, bringing
forward, especially, important works by
English composers. He introduced, for the
first time in public, Sterndale Bennett's String
Quartet in G (May 14, 1886), Thomas Wing-
ham's Quartet (May 8, 1889), and works by
other composers. He is a professor of the pf.
at the R.A.M.entry id: 233-R-30