- Knight, Joseph Philip
[E] Knight, Joseph Philip, song-writer,
born at Eradford-on-Avon, July 26, 1812. He
studied under Corfe of Bristol Cathedral.
Vicar of S. Agnes in the Scilly Isles. Retired
latterly from the ministry. He died at Great
Yarmcuth, on June 2, 1887.[W] Works.ā Song'sā A little bird told me ; All
on the summer sea ; Beautiful Venice ; Bells
of Venice ; Breathe not her name ; Beautiful
spirit ; Come roam to the greenwood ; Down
beneath the waves ; Days gone bye ; Ellen
and Patrick ; Farewell to thee, sweet Venice ;
Farewell my native land ; Gentle words ; I
would I were a child again ; I love the bright
and smiling Spring ; Love that blooms for
ever ; Music, sweet music ; Merry hearts ;
May time ; My mother's song ; Old green
lane ; Pale rose the moon ; Parting song ;
Rocked in the cradle of the deep; Say, what
shall my song be ; She would not know me ;
Spring's first violet ; Sleep and the past ; St.
David's bells ; She wore a wre ith of roses ;
There was a time ; Though thou art cold ;
Thou wert not tliere ; Tree of the forest ; The
merry muleteer ; The old songs we sang ; The
veteran ; What pleasant sounds ; World is a
fairy ring; Why chime the bells'? Duets, etc.entry id: 234-R-3