- Land, Edward
[E] Land, Edward, pianist and composer,
born at London, 1815. One of the children
of the Chapel Royal. Accompanist to John
Wilson, the Glee and Madrigal Union, etc.
Secretary of the Noblemen and Gentlemen's
Catch Club. He died at London, November
29, 1876.[W] Works. — Scottish melodies arranged as
songs without words, pf. ; Lady Nairn's Lays
from Strathearn, do. ; Miscellaneous pf. works.
Songs : A loving heart ; Birds of the Sea ;
You know not how I've missed you ; My
Gentle Elodie ; Mine, love ? yes or no ; Bird
of beauty, wing your flight ; Sighs that only
love can share ; So sweet is love's young
spring ; What can the heart want more ;
Angel's watch; Dreaming and waking; Italian
flower girl's song ; etc. Part-songs, arrange-
ments, etc. Nine four-part Songs, harmon-
ized, London, 1862.entry id: 238-L-15