- Leach, James
[E] Leach, James, composer, was born at
Wardle, near Rochdale, in 1762. He received
no musical instruction, and was employed as
a hand-loom weaver in Rochdale. Member
of the King's band, and tenor vocalist in
London. Tenor singer and teacher in Roch-
dale, 1789, and latterly in Salford, 1796. He
died from the effects of injuries received in a
coach accident, Blackley, near Manchester,
February 8, 1798, and is buried in Rochdale.[W] Works. — New Sett of Hymn and PsaLm
Tunes, adapted for the use of churches, chapels,
and Sunday schools . . . London, 1789 ; Second
Sett of Hymn and Psalm Tunes, London
[1797] ; Collection of Hymn Tunes and An-
thems, composed and adapted for a full choir,
London [1798] ; Anthems, etc. ; Psalmody, by
James Leach . . . Harmonised in compressed
score by John Butterworth, with a sketch of
the composer's life and work by Thomas New-
bigging, London [1884] .entry id: 241-R-16