- Lemmone, John
[E] Lemmone, John, flutist and composer,
born at Ballarat, Victoria, Australia, June 22,
1862. His father is an Ionian, born a British
subject, and his mother is English. He had
to depend much upon his own efforts in the
way of musical education ; but learnt much
from artists visiting the country. He has
toured through Australia, New Zealand, India,
China, and Japan. Was associated with
Madame Amy Sherwin, 1889 ; with Madame
Patey, 1891, on their tours almost round the
world. He visited London in 1894, and made
a successful debut at the Erard Rooms, Octo-
ber 25. Since then he has been heard in the
principal concerts in London and the provin-
ces ; has toured with Madame Patti, etc., and
established himself as an artist of the first
rank. In March, 1897, he returned to
Australia. He has composed many romances,
fantasias, etc., for his instrument, and has
some reputation as a violoncellist.entry id: 244-L-35