- Loder, Edward James
[E] Loder, Edward James, composer, born
at Bath, in 1813. Son of John David Loder.
He studied under his father, and at Frankfort,
under P. Ries, 1826-28. Returned to Eng-
land, 1828. Again went to Germany and
studied under Ries. Conductor at Princess's
Theatre, London ; also at Manchester. He
died at London, April 5, 1865.[W] Works. — Operas: Nourjahed, July, 1834;
[+] Dice of Death (Oxenford), 1835; Night Dan-
cers, Princess Theatre, 1846 ; Puck, a ballad
opera; Sultan, dramatic piece; Young Guard,
1848 ; Island of Calypso, a masque, 1851 ;
Raymond and Agnes, Manchester, 1855 ;
Francis the First, 1838 (compilation) ; Forest-
ers ; or. Twenty -five years since ; Deer Stalkers,
Scottish opera ; Beggar's Opera, revised.
Selection of Songs, in 3 books. Dr. Watt's
Divine and Moral Songs. Sacred Songs and
Ballads, Poetry by D. Ryan. Improved and
Select Psalmody. Divine Harmony. Twelve
Sacred Songs. Instructions and Exercises
on the principles and practice of the art of
Singing (Ashdown), n.d. Songs and Ballads :
Afloat on the Ocean ; Arnold the Armourer ;
Bare-footed Friar ; Brave old oak ; Come to
the glen ; Columbus ; Come blushing May ;
Deep-sea Fisher ; Forester's Bride ; Hermit ;
Ivy tree ; I love these merry festive times ;
I'll weave a sweet garland ; My harp is strung
for thee ; My own loved home ; Martin, the
man of arms ; O here's to the holly ; Oh, the
merry days ; Outlaw ; O speed my bark ;
Philip the Falconer ; Rhine song ; Sweet
girls of Erin ; Stars of the flowers ; Thou art
gone to the grave ; The song of the water
king ; The village mill ; Wake, my love ;
Where is my loved one ? Part-songs, hymns,
and pf. music.entry id: 252-L-55