The British Musical Biography


Longhurst, William Henry

[E] Longhurst, William Henry, organist
and composer, born at Lambeth, October 6,
1819. When he was two years old his parents
went to reside at Canterbury, and in 1828 he
was admitted a chorister in the Cathedral.
In 1836 he was appointed assistant organist,
master of the choristers, and lay-clerk ; and
in 1873 succeeded T. E. Jones as cathedral
organist. P.C.O., 1865; Mus. Doc, Cantuar,
1875; Toronto, 1886. Musical Lecturer at
St. Augustine's College, Canterbury.

[W] Works. — Oratorio, David and Absolom,
produced, Canterbury, January 10, 1872 ;
The Village Fair, an Alpine Idyll (words by
Jetty Vogel), Canterbury, February 6, 1882.
Cathedral service in E ; Benedicite in E ;
chants, etc. Anthems: Blessed is he; Grant
to us. Lord ; Great is the Lord ; The Lord is
my strength, and others. Editor of A Collec-
tion of Anthems, as performed at Canterbury
Cathedral [1845J. Andante piacevole and
Tarantella, violin and pf., songs, etc.

entry id: 253-R-53

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