- McMurdie, Joseph
[E] McMurdie, Joseph, composer and wri-
ter, was born at London in 1792. He studied
music under Dr. Crotch. Mus. Bac, Oxon.,.
1814. Director of Philharmonic Society. He
died at Merton, Surrey, December 23, 1878.[W] Works. — Glees. Canons, etc., London, 1828,
1836, 1840, etc ; Trios for Female Voices,
1859; Glees, etc, London [1824]; Arrange-
ments for pf. ; Sacred Music, a collection of
tunes adapted to the new version of Psalms,
as sung at the Philanthropic Society's Chapel,
London, 1827 ; The Elements of Music, with
the Art of Playing from a Figured Bass, and
an introduction to Composition, London
[1845] ; A Juvenile Preceptor for the Piano-
forte, London, 1828 ; A Collection of Psalm
and Hymn Tunes, London [1853] ; De Pro-
fundis Clamavi, motet ; Ode to Spring, glee.
Handbook for Vocal Classes, Part-songs, etc.,
London [1859].entry id: 266-R-51