- Maitland, John Alexander Fuller
[E] Maitland, John Alexander Fuller,
writer on music, born in London, April 7,
1856. Graduated at Trinity College, Cam-
bridge, B. A., 1879; M. A., 1882. Became F.S. A.,
1886. Wrote for the Fall Mall Ga-ctte,
1882-4 ; for the Qiiardian, 1884-9 ; and, after
the death of Dr. Hueffer, in 1889, was
appointed musical critic of The Times. Con-
tributed articles to the Dictionary of Na-
tional Biography ; Grove's Dictionary of
Music and Musicians (and editor of the
Appendix to that work) ; the Nineteenth
Centurj' ; National Review, etc. Lectured
on The History of English Music, two series,
1887 ; and on Purcell, 1895. Has appeared
as a pianist at concerts of the Bach Clioir,
etc., and played the harpsichord at concerts
of ancient music.[W] Works. — Schumann ("Great Musicians"
series, Sampson Low, 1884) ; Life of J. S.
Bach (joint translator, with Clara Bell, of
Spitta's work, Novello, 3 vols., 1884); Carols
of the 15th century, edited from a roll in
Trinity College library, Cambridge, 1891;
English county songs (joint editor, with Miss
Lucy E. Broadwood), 1893 ; Citalogue of the
music in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge,
1893 ; Masters of German Music (Osgood),
1894 ; Editor of Purcell's Twelve sonatas of
three parts (1683), and Ode on St. Cecilia's
Day (1692), for Purcell's Society, 1893-6; and
Fitzwilliam Virginal book (with W. Barclay
Squire, B.A., F.S. A.), in course of publica-
tion.entry id: 268-L-48