The British Musical Biography


Marsh, John

[E] Marsh, John, writer and composer, born
at Dorking, 1752. Articled to a solicitor at
Romsey, 1768. INIarried, 1774. Leader of
Subscription Concerts at Salisbury, 1780.
Resided at Chichester from 1787, and died
there in 1828.

[W] Works. — Six Anthems, 1790; Favorite
Symphony in 13 parts, for a grand orchestra;
Overture, and 8 sonatinas for the pf. ; Over-
ture and six pieces for the organ [1791] ;
Quartette for 2 violins, tenor and bass. Two
sets of organ voluntaries. Glees, songs, etc.
A Short Introduction to the theory of har-
monics, or bhe philosophy of musical sounds,
Chichester, 1809. Rudiments of Thorough-
bass, London, 1805. Hints to Young Com-
posers of instrumental music, London [1800].
Collection of the most popular and approved
Psalm Tunes, with a few Hynins and easy
Anthems, the whole in 3 parts, .principally
for the use of country choirs, to which is
added a selection of 20 favourite tunes set for
barrel organs, n.d. Cathedral Chant Book,
London [1800].

entry id: 272-L-4

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