The British Musical Biography


Mazzinghi, Joseph

[E] Mazzinghi, Joseph, composer, was born
at London, December 25, 1765 He belonged
to a Corsican family, from which he derived
the title of Count. Pui^il of J C. Bach, An-
fossi, and Sacchini. Musical director of King's
Theatre, 1784. Music teacher to Princess of
Wales. He died at Bath, January 15, 1844.

[W] Works. — Musical dramas : A day in Turkey,
1791; Paul and Virginia, 1800; Blind Girl,
1801; Exile, 1808; La belle Arsene; Sappho et
Phaon; Magician no conjuror; Free Knights;
Ramah Droog (with Reeve) ; Turnpike Gate
(Reeve) ; Chains of the Heart (with Reeve) ;
Wifeof two Husbands. Glees, trios, songs, etc.:
And whither would yor; lead me ; Ava Maria;
O Brignal banks; The captive to his bird;
Cypress wreath ; Each throbbing heart ; For
tenderness formed ; Had I a heart ; Harril the
brave; Hart and hind are in their lair; Haste,
haste, glorious light; Hope told a flattering
tale ; Huntsman rest ; I seek my shepherd gone
astray; If the treasured gold ; John of Brent;
Lady beware; Lillo Lee; Lochgyle; The Min-
strel's summons ; Mirth and beauty ; The
negro's glee ; Nocturnal besiegers ; O young
Lochinvar ; Pastoral Eondo ; Roderick Vich
Alpine ; Soldier rest ; Wake maid of Lorn ;
When order in this land commenced ; When
Phoebus rays no more appear ; When tell-tale
echoes ; and, Where sliall the lover rest. Songs,
ballads, etc. He also composed Admiral Lord
Nelson's victory, a sonata in comnremoration
of the glorious 1st of August. Twelve airs
for the pf., with accompaniments for a flute
and tambourine. A large number of sonatas
and other pf. pieces. Selection of German
national melodies. . . .Loni'on [1815] .

entry id: 278-L-46

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Concert Programmes Project

1096 - Mazzinghi, Joseph [Rupert.Ridgewell]

Calendar of London Concerts 1750-1800

MAZZINGHI-J - Mazzinghi, Joseph [automatic match]