- Mee, Rev. John Henry
[E] Mee, Rev. John Henry, composer and
writer on music, born at Riddings Vicarage,
Derbyshire, August 16, 1852. Scholar and
Taberdar, Queen's College, Oxford, 1871 ; first-
class in Classical Moderations, 1873; first-
class in Hterj¥ Humaniores, 1875; B.A., and
Fellow, Morton's College, 1875; Succentor,
Queen's College, 1876; M.A. and classical
lecturer, Worcester College, 1878 ; Mus. Bac,
1882 ; Mus. Doc, 1888, Oxford. Ordained Dea-
con, 1876; Priest, 1877, by Bishop of Oxford.
Public Examiner in University of Oxford three
times; Hon. Fellow, St. Michael's College,
Tenbury, 1886; Precentor of Chichester Cathe-
dral, 1889; County Councillor for West Sussex,
1890 ; and Coryphfeus of Oxford University,
1890. Dr. Mee has done much for chamber
music in Oxford, and has lectured at the Mu-
sical Association, etc. He has also contri-
buted the articles Steibelt, Vogler, and others
to Grove's Dictionary.[W] Works. — Dies Ascensionis for soli, chorus,
and orchestra; Missa Solei^nis in B flat, for
soli, double-chorus, and orchestra, Oxford,
November 9, 1888. Ballads for men's chorus
and orchestra: Horatius, London, Aj^ril 21,
1891; Delphi, Oxford, 1895. Christmas
Carols set to music ; God who at sundry
times, anthem. Madrigals, Chloris' singing,
Madrigal Society's prize, 1887 ; The lesson of
Love. Motet. Quartet in G, strings ; Fan-
tasia, organ, etc.entry id: 278-R-27