- Millar, Marian
[E] Millar, Marian, pianist and writer, born
in Manchester. Studied under Dr. Hiles,
and gained First Class honours, with dis-
tinction, in Cambridge University higher
local examinations in music, 1884 ; and the
Professional Diploma (in pf. playing) of the
Incorporated Society of Musicians, with First
Class honours, 1886. Though not the first of
her sex to i)ass the Examination for a Degree
in Music at an English University — vide
Elizabeth Stirling, 1856 ; Adelaide Thomas,
and Emilie B. Grant, 1892,— Miss Millar has
the distinction of being the first woman to
obtain the degree of Mus. Bac, — at Victoria
University, Manchester, June, 1894. She is
professor of harmony and pf. at the Man-
chester High School for Girls, an appoint-
ment held from 1884. Her degree exercise
was "A Song of Praise," for soli, chorus, and
small orchestra. She wrote the libretto of
"The Crusaders" (Dr. Hiles), and "The
Armada " (G. J. Miller) ; and contributed
many articles and translations to The Quarterly
Musical Revieiv (ilanchester, Heywood, 1885-
8), with some lyrical pieces.entry id: 280-R-50