- Miller, Edward
[E] Miller, Edward, composer and writer, was
born at Norwich in 1735. He was apprenticed
to a paviour, but absconded and studied music
under Burney at Lynn. Organist of Church
of Doncaster, 1750-1807. Mus. Doc, Cantab.,
1786. He died at Doncaster, September 12,
1807.[W] Works. — Six solos for German flute ; Six
sonatas for the harpsichord, with an accom-
paniment to three of them for a violin or
German flute ; Elegies, songs, and an ode,
with instrumental parts; Twelve songs, 1773;
Psalms of David, for the use of Parish
Churches, London [1790], edited by G. H.
Drummoud ; Sacred music, containing 250 of
the most favourite tunes, .the music selected
and adapted for two, three, and four voices,
and intended as an appendix to Dr. Watts'
Psalms and Hymns, 1802; Psalms and hymns
set to new music, 1801. Institutes of Music
or Easy Instructions for the Harpsichord,
London, n.d. [1771] ; Elements of Thorough-
bass and Composition, London, op. 5, 1787 ;
The Psalms of David set to music, and
arranged for every Sunday in the year, 1774 ;
Treatise of Thorough-bass and Composition,
Dublin, n.d.; History of Doncaster, Don-
caster, 1804.entry id: 281-R-26

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Calendar of London Concerts 1750-1800
MILLER-E - Miller, <Dr> Edward
MILLER-2 - Miller, ? William Edward