The British Musical Biography


Monk, Edwin George

[E] Monk, Edwin George, organist and
composer, born at Fronie, Somerset, Decenrber
13, 1819. Pupil of Henry and George Field ;
later, in London, joined Hullah's classes, and
studied singing with Henry Phillips. Held
organ appointments at INIidsomer Norton ;
Christ Church, Frome ; and, 1844-46, at St.
Columba's College, Rathfarnham, near Dub-
lin, Then studied composition under G. A.
Macfarren. In 1847 he was in Oxford ; and
the next year was appointed organist and
music master at St. Peter's College, Radlev.
Graduated Mus. Bac, 1848 ; Mus. Doc, 1856,
Oxford. In 1859 he was appointed organist
of York Minster, in succession to John Cam-
idge, an office he resigned in 1888. Examiner
for musical degrees, Oxford, 1871-83. Now
resident at Radley, near Abingdon.

[W] Works. — Milton's Ode to the Nativity ;
Ode, The Bard. Unison service in A ; Evening
service ; God so loved the world, and other
anthems ; hymn-tunes, etc. Boating song ;
Football song ; The jolly cricket ball ; and
other part-songs. Editor of the Anglican

[+] Chant Book ; Anglican Choral Service Book ;
with Rev. R. Corbett Singleton, Anglican
Hymn Book ; and, with Rev. Sir F. A. G.
Ouseley, The Psalter and Canticles pointed
for chanting ; and Anglican Psalter Chants.
Compiler of the libretti of G. A. Macfarren's
oratorios, St. John the Baptist ; The Resur-
rection ; and Joseph.

[+] His youngest brother, Henry Theophidus
Monk, born at Frome, March 6, 1831, studied
under his brother, and afterwards under C.
W. Lavington and (Sir) G. A. INIacfarren.
He was successivelv organist at Wells ; Rad-
ley, Berks.; and St. Philip's Church, Shef-
field. Music master and organist at Forest
Schools, Walthamstow. He was unfortvmately
drowned while bathing in North Wales, July
23, 1857, at the outset of a promising career.
He composed some chants and other vocal

entry id: 285-L-40

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