The British Musical Biography


Mount, George

[E] Mount, George, composer, contrahassist,
and conductor. On the formation of the
British Orchestral Society, in 1872, Mr. Mount
was appointed conductor, an office he held till
the dissolution of the Society a few years
later. The first concert was given in St.
James's Hall, December 5, 1872. He was
deputy conductor. Sir Arthur Sullivan being
chief, and afterwards conductor of the Royal
Amateirr Orchestral Society, from 1871 to the
present time.- Appointed assistant conductor
at the Royal Aquarium, Westminster, 1876 ;
conductor, Alexandra Palace, in 1885 ; and
occasional conductor of the Philharmonic
Concerts, 1884-7. His compositions include
an overture, composed in celebration of the
twenty-fifth anniversary of the Royal Amateur
Orchestral Society ; a " Pizzicato," for strings,
1894 ; and various smaller works. Mr. Mount
is a professor at Trinity College, London.

entry id: 291-R-31

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