The British Musical Biography


Mounsey, Elizabeth

[E] Mounsey, Elizabeth, organist and com-
poser, born in London, October 8, 1819.
Sister of Mvs. W. Bartholomew (q.v.). As a
pianist she had a good reputation, and fre-
quently took part in the chamber concerts
given at Crosby Hall by Mr. Dando {q.v.}.
It was chiefly as an organist that Miss Moun-
sey was known. She was appointed to St.
Peter's, Cornhill, in 1834, and retained the
office of organist until 1882, when she retired.
In that church the first CC organ in England
was erected, under the superintendence of
Dr. Gauntlett. That was in 1840, in which
year, and again in 1842, Mendelssohn per-
formed upon it. Miss Mounsey possessed
many interesting mementos of Mendelssohn,
and greatly aided Mr. F. G. Edwards (q.v.) in
his history of the oratorio " Elijah." She
has published some vocal music, and pieces
for guitar, organ, pf., etc. Since 1842 Miss
Mounsey has been an Associate of the Phil-
harmonic Society.

entry id: 291-R-9

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