- Olive, Joseph
[E] Olive, Joseph, organist and composer,
who was organist of St. Botolph's, Aldersgate
Street, London, about the middle of last
century. He died at London, October 8,
1786.[W] Works. — All for Scarlet, an interlude, 1785 ;
India Hoa, interlude [1770] . Six songs for
a voice and harpsichord. Bacchus, god of
joys divine, duet [1775] . Songs : Farewell,
Fox hunters. Lover's declaration, etc.
Another Olive, Edmund, was probably the
son or other relative of the above. He was
organist of the parish church of Warrington,
and is said to have held a similar office at
Bangor Cathedral. Died at Warrington, No-
vember 18, 1824. He compiled " Sixteen
Psalm Tunes, adapted for three voices. . . .as
sung in the parish church of Warrington,"
Warrington, Booth [1820] , 2nd. edit.entry id: 303-L-41