- Palmer, James
[E] Palmer, James, musician and editor,
born at Southwold, Suffolk, December 7,
1796. He was a teacher of music in Edin-
burgh, and was precentor in Broughton Place
United Presbyterian Church, from 1830 till
1851. He died at Edinburgh on July 23,
1861. Compiler of " Sacred Harmony, original
and selected, in four vocal parts, suited to
the psalms, paraphi-ases, and hymns used in
all the congregations in Scotland," Edin-
burgh, n.d. " Christian Harmony, a collec-
tion of sacred music, adapted to the various
metres in general use...." Edinburgh, n.d.,
issued in parts. " The Sacred Minstrel, a
collection of original church tunes and an-
thems, containing also several celebrated
pieces by eminenb composers," Edinburgh,
n.d. " Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes
used at the Relief Church, Broughton Street,
Edinburgh, 1828."entry id: 307-R-25