- Peacock, Francis
[E] Peacock, Francis, musician and minia-
ture painter, born at Aberdeen, in 1723. He
was a dancing-master in Aberdeen, and a
violinist who frequently led the weekly sub-
scription concerts given by the Musicil
Society. He taught dancing, under the
patronage of the Town Council, in a hall
in Drum's LaTie. He died at Aberdeen, June
26, 1807. Editor of " Fifty Favourite Scotch
Airs, for a violin, German flute, and violon-
cello, with a thorough-bass for the harpsi-
chord," London, n.d. [1762] . Author of
" Sketches relative to the History and theory,
but more especially to the practice of Dan-
cing," Aberdeen, 1805. The publication of
this called forth a satirical poem, entitled,
" On the Magistrates of the city having
purchased twenty copies of ' Peacock on
Dancing.' "entry id: 314-R-33