The British Musical Biography


Pearce, Stephen Austen

[E] Pearce, Stephen Austen, organist and
composer, born near London. Pupil of Dr.
J. L. Hopkins. Graduated Mus. Bac, 1859;
Mus. Doc, 1864, Oxford. Held organ appoint-
ments at St. John's, Oxford Square, London ;
St. Saviour's, Paddington ; St. Paul's, Onslow
Square, and elsewhere. Visited the United
States and Canada ; i-eturned to London, and
gave recitals at Hanover Square Rooms, etc.
Again went to America, and was appointed
Instructor in vocal music at Columbia College.
Organist successively at St. Mark's, Philadel-
phia ; St. Andrew's ; St. George's ; New
Cathedral, 5th Avenue ; and St. Stephen's
R. C. Church in New York. His latest
appointments were. Lecturer, and professor
of harmonj' and composition at New York

[+] College of Music. He has given concerts and
lectures in many parts of the United States,
and contributed to the press of Chicago,
Boston, etc., and to the principal musical
journals. His compositions comprise a com-
edy-opera, "La Belle Americaine" ; orchestral
music, performed by the Thomas orchestra,
etc. ; many pf. pieces, songs, etc., as well as
arrangements. His Degree Exercises were
The Psalm of Praise, cantata ; and Celestial
Visions, a dramatic oratorio. Author of A
Musical Dictionary; and editor and translator
of various elaborate works for American pub-

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