The British Musical Biography


Peterson, Franklin Sievewright

[E] Peterson, Franklin Sievewright, or-
ganist and writer on music, born in Edin-
burgh, February 24, 1861. Studied at Dres-
den and Edinburgh ; organ pupil of Carl
Aug. Fischer, Dresden, 1884. Graduated
Mus. Bac, Oxford, 1892 Organist and choir-
master, Palmerston Place Church, Edin-
burgh, from 1884. Music master, Edinburgh
Ladies' College, 1893, and Fettes College,
1894. Lecturer on Musical History at Dun-
dee University College, and in Edinburgh and
St. Andrews University Extension centres.
Appointed, 1896, to act with Professor Niecks
as additional examiner for Music Scholar-
ships at Edinburgh University, founded by
the late Signer Theopbile Bucher, whose
legacy is now at the disjiosal of the Senatus
Mr. Peterson is autlior of the articles on
musical matters in the new edition of Cham-
bers's Enc^olopajdia, and has contributed
important papers to the Miisical Times, The
Monthly Musical Record, and the Magazine of
Music, etc. His " Elements of Music "
(Augener, 1896) reached a second edition in
less than three months. He has also pub-
lished An Introduction to the Study of
Theory (Augener, 1897), some anthems, songs,
and part-songs, etc.

entry id: 317-R-49

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