- Pittman, Josiah
[E] Pittman, Josiah, organist and composer,
born in London, September 3, 1816. He
studied under S. S. Wesley, Moscheles and
Schnyder von Wartensee. Organist succes-
sivelv at Sydenham, 1831 ; Spitalfields,
1835-47 ; Lincoln's Inn, 1852-64. He was
accompanist at Her Majesty's Theatre from
1865 to 1868, and at the Roval Italian Opera,
Covent Garden, 1868-1880. He died at
London, April 23, 1886.[W] Works. — The People in the Church, their
Rights and Duties in connection with the
Poetry and Music of the Book of Common
Prayer, London, 1858. The People in the
Cathedral ; a letter to the very Rev. Henry
Hart Milman, D.D., London, 1857. Songs of
Scotland, edited (with Colin Brown). Songs
from the Operas, 2 vols, (edited). Royal
Edition of Operas, edited with Sir A. Sullivan
(Boosey). Callcott's Grammar of Music
(edited), London, n.d.entry id: 321-R-58