The British Musical Biography


Bates, William

[E] Bates, William, composer of the 18th cen-
tury, who flourished between 1720 and 1790.
He was connected with the Marylebone and
Vauxhall Gardens, for which he composed
much vocal music. In 1760 he acted as sing-
ing master to Ann Cateley, the vocalist, and in
1763 he was prosecuted andfined for trying to
dispose of or sell the person of his pupil for im-
moral purposes to Sir Francis Blake Delavel.
He died, probably in London, about 1790.

[W] Works. — Operas and Musical Dramas —
Flora, or Hob in the well ; Pharmaces, an
English opera altered from the Italian ; The
Theatrical candidates, a prelude [] 788] ; The
Ladies frolick (with T. A. Arne), 1770. Songs—
Collection of songs sung at Vauxhall, Lon-
don, 1771, also 1776 ; Songs sung at the
Grotto Gardens, 1771 ; The buck's motto ;
The butterfly ; Ye famed and witty one, etc.
Various glees and catches. Six sonatas for
two violins, with a thorough bass for the harp-
sichord or violoncello, London [1750] . Eigh-
teen duettinos for two guitars, two French
horns or two clarinetts, London [1780] .

entry id: 34-R-40

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Calendar of London Concerts 1750-1800

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