- Becher, Alfred Julius
[E] Becher, Alfred Julius, composer, of Ger-
man extraction, was born at Manchester in
1803. Educated at Universities of Heidel-
berg, Berlin, etc. Resided at Vienna as editor
of the Radikale, a democratic sheet, which
was filled with seditious articles by Becher.
Shot at Vienna for sedition, Nov. 23, 1846[W] Works. — Op. 1, Songs for solo voice and
piano ; op. 2, Lyrical pieces for the pf . ; op. 3,
Six poems for voice and pf . ; op. 5, Rondo for
the pf. ; op. 6, Six songs for voice and pf . ; op.
7, Three sonatas for pf. solo ; op. 8, Original
theme for pf . ; op. 9, Monologue for pf . ; op.
10, Six songs for voice and pf. ; op. 11, Sonata
for pf . ; op. 18, Nine pieces for pf. ; A Sym-
phody ; String quartet, and various articles on
music.entry id: 38-L-1