- Smith, John
[E] Smith, John, organist and composer, born
at Cambridge in 1795. Stipendiary choirman
of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, 1815.
Vicar-choral of St. Patrick's Cathedral, 1816.
Organist of the Chapel, Dublin Castle, 1833-
35. Professor of Music in the University of
Dublin. Mus. Doc, Dublin. He died near
Dublin, November 12, 1861.[W] Works. — The Revelation, oratorio ; Cathe-
dral Music, in vocal score, with organ or
pf. accompaniment [1837] ; Lyra Masonica,
collection of masonic songs, London, 1847 ;
Selection of Mr. Kelly's Hymns on various
passages of Scripture, Dublin [1850]; Seventy
of the Psalms of David.. the music by the
best composers. .Dublin [1835]. He also
edited Weyman's Melodia Sacra. Glees :
Christmas Morning, Isles of Greece, King
Alfred's hymn, etc. Songs: Absent, Fairy
gold, Rememb'rest thou. Volunteer's song,
etc. Treatise on the theory and practice of
Music, with the principles of harmony and
composition, Dublin, 1853, 2 vols. ; Irish Min-
strelsy, a selection of original melodies of
Erin, with characteristic words by Edward
Fitzsimons ; symphonies by J. Smith, Dublin
1814. His son, J. S. Smith, succeeded him
as organist of the Chapel Royal, Dublin Castle,
in 1835.entry id: 380-R-35

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SMITH-JC - Smith, John Christopher
SMITH-4 - Smith, John / Robert Archibald