The British Musical Biography


Spofforth, Reginald

[E] Spofforth, Reginald, composer, born at
Southwell, Nottingham, in 1770. He studied
under his uncle, Thomas Spofforth, organist
of Southwell Collegiate Church, and under
Dr. B. Cooke. He gained two prizes given by
Nob eman's Catch Club. He died at Ken-
sington, London, September 8, 1827, aged 57,
and is buried in Kensington Parish Church,
where a monument bearing the following
inscription is placed : "In Memoriam.
Under this church are deposited the remains
of Reginald Spofforth, professor of music, born
at Southwell, Nottinghamshire. He died at
Brompton, on the 8th September, 1827, aged
57 years. Laus Deo."

[W] Works. — Set of six glees, London [1799] ;
A Collection of Glees, compiled from the
unpublished manuscripts of the late Mr.
Spofforth, carefully collated with the originals,
by W. Hawes, London, n.d. ; The Christmas
Box, a variety of Bagatelles for 1, 2, and 3
voices, with pf. accompaniment, 2 books,
London, n.d. Single Glees : Hail, smiling
morn (in No. 1), 1799; Come bounteous May ;
How calm the evening ; Fill high the grape's
exulting stream (prize), 1810 ; Health to my
dear ; My dear mistress ; The Spring, the
pleasant spring ; While the madly raging
nations; Where are those hours; See, smiling
from the rosy east ; Lightly o'er the village
green. Canzonets.

[+] A composer whose name is kept in remem-
brance by his ever fresh glee, " Hail, smiling
morn." His brother, Samuel, born in 1780,
studied under his uncle, and in 1798 became
organist of Peterborough Cathedral, and in
1807 organist of Lichfield Cathedral. He died
at Lichfield, June 6, 1864. Composer of
chants and other church music.

entry id: 387-R-11

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Calendar of London Concerts 1750-1800

SPOFFORTH - Spofforth, Reginald [automatic match]