- Bennet, John
[E] Bennet, John, composer, who flourished
at the end of the IGth and beginning of the
17th centuries [1570-1615].[W] Works. — Madrigalls to four voyces, newly
published by John Bennett, his first works at
London, 1599 ; Madrigal, "All creatures now
are merrily minded," in the Triumphs' of
Oriana, 1601 ; Songs in a collection published
by Ravenscroft ; O God of Gods, verse an-
them. Sacred Harmonic Society's Library;
Anthems and madrigals in MS.[+] Nothing as to his biography appears to
have been clironicled. His book of madrigals
was re-publislied in 1845 by the Musical
Antiquarian Society.entry id: 40-L-49