- Bennett, George John
[E] Bennett, George John, composer and
organist, born at Andover, Hants, May 5, 1863.[+] Was a chorister at Winchester Cathedral,
1872-78, and entered the Royal Academy of
Music in 1879, studying under Sir G. A. Mac-
farren. Here he remained until 1884, and at
the R.A.M. concerts the first movement of a
symphony, two overtures, a pianoforte con-
certo, and other works of his were pro-
duced. From 1884 to 1887 he was enabled —
through the instrumentality of the firm of
Novello, Ewer, and Co., who were greatly in-
terested in the talented young musician — to
study at Berlin, under Friedrich Kiel, and at
Munich, under Rheinberger. Returning to
England, he was (1888) created a Fellow, and
appointed Professor of Harmony, R.A.M.,
having, six years previously, obtained the dip-
loma, F.(R.)C.O. He graduated Mus. Bac,
Cambridge, 1888; Mus. Doc, 1893. He was
organist of St. John the Evangelist from
1890, until his appointment to Lincoln Cathe-
dral in August, 1895. Other offices held by
him are Conductor, London Organ School
Orchestra (1893), and Church Orchestral
Society (1895).[W] Works. — Mass, in B flat minor ; Festival
Te Deum in D, for soli, double choir, and or-
chestra, in MS. ; Festival Evening Service in
A, Dedication Festival, St. Paul's Cathedral,
1890; Easter Hymn, for soli, chorus, and or-
chestra, Festival of Sons of the Clergy, St.
Paul's, 1895 ; Morning, Evening, and Com-
munion Services; Anthems, etc. Two Albums
of Songs (Novello) ; Trios for feniale voices ;
Part-songs, etc. Orchestral : Serenade, in
Symphonic form ; Overture, Jugendtraiime,
Crystal Palace, March, October, 1887 ; Over-
ture, "Leonatus and Imogen," Philharmonic
Society, 1895. Trio in E, pf., vn., and 'cello,
London, 1893 ; various pf. pieces. Voluntaries
for organ, etc.entry id: 40-R-62