- Ward, John Charles
[E] Ward, John Charles, organist and com-
poser, born at Upper Clapton, London, March
27, 1835. Entered the choir of the Temple
Church with his brother, E. J. Ward (noticed
below), in 1842, remaining there until 1848.
Studied pf. under his father, violin under
Howard Glover, and concertina with George
Case. Played a concertina solo at Crosby
Hall, December 2, 184G, and for a long time
was known as a virtuoso on the instrument.
He has been organist successively at Bride-
well Hospital Ch ipel, 1852 ; St. John's
Chapel, Hampstead, 1853 ; Eaton Chapel,
Eaton Square, 1856 ; Christ Church, Hamp-
stead, 1863 ; Quebec Chapel, 1868 ; Holy
Trinity, Haverstock Hill, 1884 ; Christ Church,
Streatham Hill, 1886; and St. Mary the
Virgin, Primrose Hill, from 1890. Member
of the Leslie Choir from its foundation in
1855, and organist and assistant-conductor
from 1856 to 1885. For his services as or-
ganist when the choir visited Paris in 1878,
he was awarded a medal. He has given organ
recitals in various places.[+] WofiKS.— Motet, Thy Word is a Lantern,
double choir ; Sanctus, double choir (sung by
Leslie's Choir) ; Cantata, The Wood ; Testi-
monial Ode ; A Psalm of Life, men's chorus
and orchestra ; Church services ; anthem, I
am the Resurrection, In Memoriam, Henry
Leslie. Collection of hymn tunes and chants.
Lives of great men ; Rove not to the Rhine ;
and other part-songs. Trios, Faith, Hope,
for soprano, mezzo-soprano, and tenor.
Car:itata, The Swedish Singers, female voices.
Fugue on the Sailor's Hornpipe, orchestra,
written for the Bradford Permanent Orchestra.
Organ: Nautical Symphony in four move-
ments ; Prelude and Fugue, Westminster
Chimes ; Prelude and March, Wedding Chimes;
Fugue on London New, etc. Fugues and
other pieces for pf. Trio, for ^Eola, 'cello, and
bass concertina ; Minuet for 3 concertinas ;
Polonaise in E flat, pf. and concertina, etc.
Mr. Ward invented a new form of piano, and
the Harmonic Angelute.[+] His two sisters and brother were musicians.
The elder sister Emily (Mrs. Alexander New-
ton) is separately noticed. The second, Eliza[+] A. Ward, is a pianist and vocalist. Was the
pianist of the concert party on tour with
Jenny Lind, when Sims Reeves, Mrs. A. New-
ton, F. Lablache, and other singers were
included ; and was one of the original members
of Leslie's Choir. Resident in London as
teacher. His brother, R. J. Ward, Vjorn in
1813, was a chorister at the Temple Church,
1842-6. Afterwards he studied the slide-
trumpet, and became eminent as a performer.
He belonged to the Royal Italian Opera, and
other leading orchestras. While officiating
at a concert at Brighton he had an apoplectic
stroke which closed his professional career ;
but he survived for fifteen years, and so far
recovered as to be able to walk from ten to
fourteen miles a day without fatigue. His
remaining years were devoted to the ameliora-
tion of the sufferings of others, by remedial
appliances so successful in his own case. He
died at East Dulwich, January 22, 1884, aged
53. Clementine, daughter of J. C. Ward, is
resident organist of St. Saviour's Hospital,
Osnaburg Street, London. She has sung at
her father's organ recitals, and is the composer
of a March, Gavotte, and " Dickens Series "
of little pieces, etc., for pf. Evelyn, another
daughter, born at Hampstead, January 9,
18G5, is a soprano vocalist. She studied under
her father, and took leading parts in various
comic operas in England and the United
States of America, from 1884 to 1893, when
she retired from the stage. She married Mr.
Hamilton Tetley.entry id: 432-L-15

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