- Wilbye, John
[E] Wilbye, John, composer of the 16th
century. His biography is very obscure.
In 1598 he was a teacher of music in Austin
Friars, London. He composed " Madrigals
to 3, 4, 5, and 6 Voices. ..." London, Este,
1598. Reprinted by Musical Antiquarian
Society, edited by James Turle, 1841. "The
Second Set of Madrigals, to 3, 4, 5, and 6
jDarts, apt both for Voyals and Voyces,"
London, 1609. Reprinted by Musical An-
tiquarian Society, edited by G. W. Budd,
1846. " The Lady Oriana," madrigal, is in
the " Triumphs of Oriana." Among his
best-known madrigals are " Flora gave me
fairest flowers," " Sweet honey-sucking bee,"
" Die, hapless man," " When Chloris heard,"
"Stay, Corydon," " Lady, when I behold,"
" Why dost thou shoot," etc. These madri-
gals are among the sweetest, most appropriate,
and fanciful pieces of pastoral music ever
composed.entry id: 446-R-39
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1578 - Wilbye, John
Calendar of London Concerts 1750-1800
WILBYE - Wilbye, John