- Boyce, William
[E] Boyce, William, composer and organist,
was born in London, 1710. Chorister in St.
Paul's Cathedral under Charles King. Arti-
cled pupil to Maurice Greene, organist of St.
Paul's. Organist of St. Peter's, Vere Street,
1734. Studied under Dr. Pepusch. Organist
(in succession to Kelway) of St. Michael's,
CornhiU, 1736-68. Composer to Chapel Royal
and the King, June, 1786. Conductor at
meetings of choirs of Gloucester, Hereford,
and Worcester, 1737. Organist of AUhaUows
the Great and the Less, Thames Street, 1749-
69. Bac. and Doc. of Music, Cambridge, 1749.
Master of Royal Band of Music, 1775. One
of the organists to Chapel Royal, 1758. He
died at Kensington, London, February 7th,
1779. Buried in crypt, St. Paul's Cathedral.[W] Works. — Peleus and Thetis, masque, by
Lord Lansdowne, 17 ? ; Solomon, serenata by
Dr. Edward Moore, 1747; The Chaplet, a
musical drama, London, 1745 ; David's
lamentation over Saul and Jonathan, oratorio,
by Lockman, 1736 ; Ode for St. Cecilia's Day,
by Lockman ; Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, by
Vidal; Music to the Shepherd's Lottery, 1750;[+] Ode for the Installation of the Duke of New-
castle as Chancellor of Cambridge University,
1749 ; Fifteen anthems and a te deum and
jubilate, 1780 ; Collection of twelve anthems
and a service, 1790; Ode to charity; Pindar's
first Pythian ode, 1749 ; Masque in the Tem-
pest. Cathedral music, being a collection in
score of the most valuable and useful compo-
sitions for that service, etc. [containing
examples of Aldrich, Batten, Bevin, Byrd,
Blow, Bull, Child, Jer. Clark, Creyghton,
Croft, Farrant, Gibbons, Goldwin, Humphreys,
King Henry VIII., Lawes, Locke, Slorley,
Purcell, Rogers, Tallis, Turner, Tye, Weldon,
and Wise] London, 3 vols. foL, 1760-78 ; second
edition, with memoir by Sir J. Hawkins, 1778,
also editions by V. Novello and J. Warren,
1849. Eight symphonies for various instru-
ments ; Twelve sonatas for two violins and
bass, 1749. Organ concerto. Lyra Britannica,
Collection of songs, duets, and cantatas, n.d.
Overtures. Songs, duets, etc., in contempo-
rary collections.entry id: 55-R-39

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