- Allen, Edward Heron=
[E] Allen, Edward Heron=, author, born St.
John's Wood, London, December 17, 1861.
Educated at Elstree and Harrow. In 1878
he began the formation of his library of works
on the violin. In 1879-1881 he studied violin
making under Chanot. Admitted a solicitor
1884. Special commissioner lo Italy on be-
half of Historic Loan Department of Music
and Inventions Exhibition, 1885, for which
service he was awarded a silver medal. Lec-
tured in United States, 1886-89. Married to
Marianna, daughter of Rudolph Lehmann, the
artist. Elected " Socio onorario e benemerito "
of the Accademia of Sta. Cecilia of Rome, for
Bibliography of the Violin.[W] Works. — De Fidiculis Bibliographia : being
the basis of a bibliography of the violin and
all other instruments plaj'ed with a bow.
Lond. 1890-93, 12 parts. Violin-making as
it was and is. Lond. 1884. Manual of Cheir-
osophy. Lond. 1885. Poems, tales, transla-
tions, etc.entry id: 7-L-19