2416: | Ashton, Gertrude Cave= 17-L-1 Ashton, Gertrude Cave=, born Holman |
2417: | Andrews, soprano vocalist, born in London, |
2418: | April 17, 1855. Studied under her mother |
2419: | (Mrs. J. Holmau Andrews), and Thorpe Pede. |
2420: | Debut at Alexandra Palace Theatre, 1873; |
2421: | the Popular Concerts, 1876. Sang in the |
2422: | provinces with Mr. Sims Reeves ; and in |
2423: | opera with the Hersee Opera Company, 1877, |
2424: | and the Blanche Cole Company, 1879- Has |
2425: | also appeared at the principal concerts in |
2426: | many provincial towns, and in London. In |
2427: | 1875 she was married to Mr. Frank H. Cave. |
2428: | |
2429: | Ashton, or Aston, Hugh 17-L-13 Ashton, or Aston, Hugh, composer who |
2430: | flourished during the IGth century and held |
2431: | the appointment of organist to Henry VIII. |
2432: | He composed several masses and anthems |
2433: | which are preserved in the IMusic School at which are preserved in the Music School at |
2434: | Oxford. |
2435: | |
2436: | Ashwell, Thomas, composer who |
2437: | flourished during the first half of the 16th |
2438: | century. He composed " Twenty Songs," |
2439: | 1530, and various motets, etc., preserved in |
2440: | MS. in the Music School at Oxford. |
2441: | |
2442: | Ashworth, Caleb, musician, born at |
2443: | Clough-Pold, Rossendale, Lancashire, in 1722. Clough-Fold, Rossendale, Lancashire, in 1722. |
2444: | He was educated under Doddridge, at North- |
2445: | ampton, and was Baptist minister and tutor |
2446: | at Daventry. He died at Daventry July 18, |
2447: | 1775. He compiled "A Collection of Tunes, |
2448: | suited to the several metres commonly used |
2449: | in public worship, set in four parts . . . [17G0], in public worship, set in four parts . . . [1760], |
2450: | 3rd edition, 1766 ; and wrote an " Introduction |
2451: | to the Art of Singing," London, 1770, prefixed |
2452: | to the later editions of the Collection of Tunes. |
2453: | He also published a Hebrew Grammar, Ser- |
2454: | mons, etc. |
2455: | |
2456: | Aspa, Edwin, composer and teacher, was |
2457: | born in London in May, 1835, of Italian par- |
2458: | ents. He died at Lincoln, August 17, 1883. |
2459: | Composer of "The Gipsies" and "Endymion," |
2460: | cantatas ; songs, pf. music, etc. |
2461: | |
2462: | AspuII, George, pianist and composer,born, Aspull, George, pianist and composer,born, |
2463: | Manchester, June, 1813. He first appeard at a |
2464: | concert in 1822, and in 1823 appeared at Lon- |
2465: | don. Afterwards he gave concerts in England |
2466: | and Ireland, and in 1825 played at Paris, being |
2467: | everywhere hailed as a precocious genius of |
2468: | exceptional brilliancy. He died at Leaming- |
2469: | ton, August 19, 1832. His works were pub- |
2470: | lished as "Posthumous Works of George |
2471: | Aspull," edited by his father (Thomas Aspull), |
2472: | Book 1. London [1837]. |
2473: | |
2474: | Aspull, Wiillam, composer, born Notting- |
2475: | ham, 1798. Teacher and singer in London. |
2476: | Died in London, January 16, 1875. |
2477: | |
2478: | Works. — Songs for the drawingroom[1840]. |
2479: | Songs: Bird of the forest ; Bright eyes; Come, |
2480: | let us sing ; Eastern love-letter ; Good-night ; |
2481: | I think of thee; Lonely heart; We have met; |
2482: | The wreckers, etc. Various transcriptions and |
2483: | other works for pf. Translations of Lemoine's |
2484: | harmony, Nauenburg's vocal exercises. Rink's |
2485: | Organ scliool, etc, Organ school, etc, |